PolygonTrix Support & Feedback
We have anticipated and answered many questions on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
PolygonTrix's built in Help Page is also available on-line for your reference.
If your question or comment is not addressed by the FAQ or Help Page, feel free to
write us, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
TimeHavenMedia @ Gmail.com
Known Issues
This is a Math Art Game, a Dynamic Geometric Puzzle. We know it may seem like yet another pool ball physics game from the "screenshots", but it is NOT a shooting game! We have done everything we can avoid pool table references.
We know that you can sometimes slam a particle into a vertex, where the last two deflections occur just inside the target vertex. The next version of Trix may not allow that — and require a clean event without any frantic action in the vertex... Or you won't get a count for the side hit on the second-to-last deflection in such brute force slams. (Or something.) Brute Force is not an approved form of energy.
We have seen a rare 'rejection' bug a few times, and will of course submit a fix as soon as we can figure out what causes it! If the World Line transects the Target vertex, with the required number of energy deflections, and yet the world line turns orange-ish, you are seeing the bug. You won't be able to advance to the next level of that polygon. We can only suggest resetting that polygon and contacting us with any info you may have or recall, e.g., which vertex on which polygon, energy level, etc.
This was confirmed by Rob M on 12/19/12. His screenshot is below. Thanks Rob!
ya got one, two, three, four, five, six pockets on a table
pockets that mark the difference between a gentleman and a Bum
with a capital B and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool
— from "Ya Got Trouble" in The Music Man.